The ONE Thing that Made a Difference!

Hey sweet friend, it's Stephanie!

I wanted to write this email to share something I've learned with you.

Some time ago I got tired of trying to get un-busy.

Trying to slow down responsibilities gets tiring after a while, and sometimes feels impossible. It happens to the best of us.

Then, I had the opportunity to go on silence retreat - and I went for it.

I picked a Christian campground, packed up my Bible and journal, and left. I spent 3 days in nature by myself with no cell phone or internet. Now three days may seem like an eternity to all you mommas out there, but it really was just a long weekend. It took a while to detox from constant barrage of thoughts, plans, and problem-solving...but I got there. I got to a place of quiet.

After that, I felt so refreshed and gained so much clarity on how to trust God and enjoy His presence when I spent time with Him.

I realized that there’s this ONE thing that made such a big difference for me when it comes to growing in my walk with God...

I was subconsciously doing it in small ways, like a quick walk, but it suddenly dawned on me how without this ONE thing, everything just falls apart...

Yes, it is to spend some time in nature at least once a year!

In my life, I can make small situations seem so big, yet when I choose to have some quiet space in nature and just rest, I see that I am, an important, but small part of the universe.

This perspective helps me put myself in my rightful place - as a servant of the Most High...and God in His rightful place...King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Here are some of the ways you can achieve this, even if you are in a crazy season of life...

● Take one day this year and just be by yourself. If you are a mom to young kids, ask your spouse to watch them for a whole day.

● Take a short walk once a week. Maybe on Sunday afternoon, or on a lunch break. Again, by yourself. This time, just spend that time adoring and

thanking God for who He is. Try to avoid asking Him for anything, just this once, and just adore Him.

● Take 10 minutes a day and spend them outside. Watch a bird in your yard, walk your dog, or tend your flowers or garden.

God's creation has so much to say about His nature! Are you ready to find refreshment?


~ Stephanie

P.S. If you want a FREE checklist to help you do a little Soul Care - click the link!👉


Spring is here!!....Maybe?


My Love Story...