Spring is here!!....Maybe?
Hi Sweet Friend!
I just wanted to send you a quick email and talk to you about something that is hard for me...patience!
I grew up in the South, where spring comes after about a week or two of winter. Sometime in March, the bluebonnets come out to play and the warmth returns.
Now I live in the Rocky Mountain West, where winter hangs on with all her might! We have swings of hail and snow to blue skies and sunny in a matter of hours. CRAZY!!!
Cute story, but what does this have to do with you? I'm so glad you asked! 🤣
Patience is clearly a fruit of the Spirit, as Galatians 5:22 says. But if you are anything like me, there are times when it is TOUGH to have patience. Waiting for spring, waiting for change, waiting for someone to change, waiting for... (fill in the blank).
Think about your relationships: God, spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, employers, church leadership, neighbors, etc. Are there areas where you can offer more patience? I know there definitely are for me!
Wherever you are...enjoying spring...or waiting on it, I pray that you (and I) take time to examine places where we can show this amazing aspect of God's character to others.
~ Stephanie