My Love Story...
Hi Sweet Friend!
Whether you’re single, in a relationship, in a complicated relationship, engaged, or married, may you have a day(or week) filled with love and joy!
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share with you a little love story of mine.
Here’s my love story...
~How’d you meet? We met at our church, but got to know each other as we volunteered as youth ministry leaders.
~First Date? He gave me a big bouquet of flowers and took me to Churrasco's.
~How long have y’all been together? 6 yrs. and 5 months
~Married? 5.5 years
~Age difference? 11 years
~Who was interested first? Me, but I never said a word until he brought it up.
~Who is taller? Definitely him...I am fun-sized! 😂
~Who said 'I love you' first? Him
~Most impatient? Me usually.
~Most sensitive? We both are about different things.
~Loudest? Haha! Me...
~Most stubborn? Him, unless it’s me
~Falls asleep first? Him always
~Cooks better? He definitely cooks better, but I'm the better baker.
~Better morning person? For sure not me
~Better driver? Usually me, except in icy conditions - I'd rather not be the driver then.
~Most competitive? Him
~Funniest? Usually people think that I'm the funnier one, but he's got some secret zingers that just come out of nowhere!
~Where do you eat out most as a couple? Local places in our small town.
~Who is more social? We are both social to a point.
~Who is the neat freak? He is.
~Do you get flowers often? Yes, he spoils me!
~Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? He is usually. Although it's rare that one is right and the other wrong. Usually, it's just two different sides of the story.
~Who sings better? Me
~Hogs the remote? Me
~Spends the most money? Him on big ticket items, but it's rarer. I spend more often on smaller ticket items.
~Did you go to the same school? No, we didn't meet until much later.
~Where is the furthest you two traveled together? From TX to Banff, AB and from WY to ME.
~Who drives when you are together? Him, usually. Although, on long road trips, we take turns pretty evenly.
It was great to share some of my personal story with you! I would love to hear your love stories as well. Feel free to replay to this email and share your story with me!
Lots of love,
~ Stephanie