Rejuvenate: 10 Promises of God

Hi sweet friend!

I can't believe we are more than halfway through January already!

I wanted to share something special with you today: 10 Promises of God that have encouraged me during different seasons of my life.

Now obviously, there are so many promises that God made in both the Old and New Testaments. However, these 10 have encouraged me lately.

Do you ever find yourself needing a little encouragement? A little (or big) hug from the Lord? I know I do!

In this busy season, it's nice to think about Jesus, who He is, and what He has promised. When relationships are tense or work projects are piling up, it's a relief to just climb up into my Heavenly Father's lap, lay my head on His shoulder, and take a deep breath.

If you need that too, just print these out and put them where you get ready in the morning or by your coffee pot or your nightstand to read before you go to bed.

Rest and rejuvenate your heart by reading, meditating, and believing these 10 Promises of God.

Until next time my friend,

~ Stephanie


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