FREE PRINTABLE: Prayer Art for Children
Hi sweet friend!!
I'm so excited to share a new free resource with you!
I created this printable because I was thinking of and praying for my nieces and nephews. They are all such special little blessings and growing up so fast.
Here are few ways to use this prayer art with kids in your life:
Put one on the fridge and pray/say the verse during one of your family meal times during the week.
Put one near where you change your kid's diapers first thing in the morning or greet them for breakfast.
Put one near your child's bed/crib to say over them at night.
Put one in a birthday card you are sending to a niece or nephew.
Say the verse and show the picture on a video with your grandchild.
If you sponsor children, send one in an update letter to let them know you are thinking of them.
Print each page and write a child's name on it. Then put it in your "war room"/prayer closet/daily quiet time space. Pray over each of them regularly.
Children are a gift from God. He has a tender heart towards each and every one. May His precious promises help your little ones to know Him more intimately - no matter their age!
I hope and pray this resource encourages you and your family!
With Love,
~ Stephanie