Jesus loves you...this I know

Hi sweet friend!

As Easter approaches, and we are in the middle of Holy Week, I just wanted to send a quick encouragement for you to think about.

No matter how tough life may be right now, or how many hours of sleep you may (or may not) be getting, you are loved.

In fact, you are loved so deeply and fully, that Jesus didn't just wake up one day and decide to become our atonement.

This choice that He made, and the Father allowed, was set from the beginning. He saw you and me, and wanted to offer a way for redemption.

I wanted to show a few prophecies from Scripture to prove my claim. Take a moment to read and think through these this week.

​Sweet friend, I hope that you are able to rest in the love of Jesus this week as we consider His very great sacrifice for us and rejoice in His very great miracle. He conquered sin and death!


As always, I would love to pray for you, so please feel free to reply to this email with any specific prayer requests.

In His love,

~ Stephanie


The First Thing needs to be First


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