3 Toxic Myths You Believe About Peace
Hey sweet friend, it's Stephanie here.
Today, we'll cover the 3 toxic myths about peace that all believers MUST break away from to actually experience it.
Getting your mindset right is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to truly find peace. As the popular saying goes, "You are your worst enemy and best asset" ;-)
From serving in many different ministry settings, I can tell you that the women who never waiver about Jesus and the peace that He offers are those with the right mindset and attitude when the suffering comes.
It's myth-busters time, my friend! Time to re-align your perspectives and make things right :)
Myth #1: "I can get peace without God.”
This will be the most dangerous myth that you hear. (Even if you don't personally believe this, maybe this will help a friend who is struggling.)
In John 14:25-27 (ESV), Jesus was speaking with His disciples and said: “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
True peace, will only come from Jesus. It is His peace that we need. Not an earthly treaty between people or nations, but a wholeness only experienced in a personal relationship with Him.
You can have this kind of peace. You only need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross to pay for your sins and mine, and that He rose again and conquered death. He is faithful to forgive your sins and desires a relationship with you. If you have any questions about this, please reach out and reply to this email or contact me on social media!
Myth #2: "You just need to do some self-care."
This is SO not true.
Self-care has been over-glorified and made to be the end goal for many women to achieve.
The real issue isn't self-care, yoga, or bubble baths (although very nice). The issue is doing some soul-care.
Soul care is found in spending time with Jesus, reading His Word, and praying/talking to Him. When you focus on self-care, the focus is back on you, your needs/wants/desires. This often leads to a complaining/discontented heart.
But when you focus on soul care, you are sitting at the feet of the One who loves you deeper than you could ever imagine. The focus then shifts to who God is and what He is doing in your life and community. This focus often leads to gratitude. Just read some of the Psalms. The writers will often start with a lament about suffering and end in gratitude and praise for God. It's so beautiful!
I have personally made a focused effort to shift from self-care to soul care, and I know that you can too!
Myth #3: If only my life was...or they were...or I had...then I would have peace."
I can understand why someone would believe in this as I’ve been there myself, but I have seen time and again that when you look to earthly things to give you peace, you will ultimately be disappointed.
The peace we get when we are saved is from God and permanent. How we experience it, will vary based on our focus. Philippians 4:7 (ESV) says, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
John MacArthur writes, "The Greek word translated "guard" is a military term meaning, "to keep watch over." The peace of God protects believers from anxiety, doubt, fear, and distress. Thus, it is not passive, but active; far from being affected by circumstances, it triumphs over them, turning sorrow into joy, fear into boldness, and doubt into confidence." 1
Biblical peace is active. It doesn't passively exist as long as your circumstances are easy. God takes an active role in your life to guard your heart and mind. What a cool promise!! :)
Believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking action, the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don't seek guidance, and subsequently, you don't experience transformation in your heart and mind.
I have experienced and seen breakthrough after breakthrough, and I know that is not difficult to get to know Jesus. Some people just don't have the right guidance to succeed when it comes to finding peace in life.
Many people search for information online fruitlessly, and when that doesn't work, they give up. I don’t want you to give up because you can do this!
So take heart. Spend some time talking to and learning from Jesus. If you don't know where to start, the gospel according to John is a great book.
That's all I have for today!
Next week I'll be sharing my personal love story in honor of Valentine's Day. As always, I love to hear from you, so feel free to reply and let me know how I can serve you!
Till then, peace and grace to you! :)
~ Stephanie