What's so Amazing about God's Grace?

Hi Sweet Friend!

This question has been asked by many people who don't get why Christians talk so much about grace. What is it? Why is it so amazing?

John Newton wrote the hymn, "Amazing Grace" in the late 1700's, and yet it remains wildly popular in church services of various denominations and styles. Why? What is it about grace that is so amazing?

When I was thinking where God wanted me to focus this year, the phrase "grace and peace" immediately came to mind. I started looking for that phrase in the New Testament. Turns out, it's everywhere! It begins and ends all of Paul's letters, and it's found in Peter's and John's writing too.

I got curious and looked into the Greek word for "grace." Charis means that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech or good will, loving-kindness, and/or favor.

But my favorite definition from blueletterbible.org is: "of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting His holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues."

Wow! Grace does all that?

When Paul starts his letter to the Ephesians with "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, (1:2, CSB)" he is saying, may you receive the merciful kindness from God that turns your heart to Jesus, strengthens your faith, and pushes you to become like Christ.

I greet my friends with a phrase like, "Hey, how's it going?"

What if I started to greet people with this verbal blessing, straight from God's Word?

How could my relationships change? How could yours change?

Imagine greeting your kids like this every morning. Praying over them to experience the abundant grace and peace that strengthens their heart to turn to Jesus.

We'll continue to unpack this in the months to come, but I hope you are encouraged. My prayer for you is that your heart rests in God's merciful kindness that draws you to Jesus, keeps you close, and grows your faith!

I hope you rest in the truth of the Bible and are refreshed by the lyrics of the old hymn, Amazing Grace!

​Grace and Peace,

~ Stephanie



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