Everlasting Love: Our deepest spiritual craving


This week, much of our world celebrated the international day of love - Valentine's Day. Whether you celebrate it or feel it's wildly overrated, I hope you were able to sit and bask in God's everlasting love for you.

Last week, I was strapped in on the struggle bus like we were about to launch into space...all...week...long. You ever have days, weeks, seasons like this? My brain could think the good and true thoughts about God, but my heart had it's ears plugged.

I needed truth to cling to when my heart was lying to me, so I started looking at the word love in the Hebrew.

There are many different words to use for our English word, so I focused on ahaba. It's a word that is used for the absolute love of one person to another, spouses toward each other, and God's love for us. It's used 40 times in the Old Testament.

What I found amazing about this word is where it shows up. Here are a few of the scriptures with ahaba in place.

Proverbs 10:12 - "Hatred stirs up strife, but ahaba (absolute love) covers all offenses."

Song of Solomon 2:4 - "He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was ahaba (absolute love)."

Jeremiah 31:3 - "I have loved you with an everlasting ahaba (absolute love); therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."

Micah 6:8 - "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to ahaba (absolute love) kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Zephaniah 3:17 - "The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His ahaba (absolute love); He will exult over you with loud singing."

Wow!! Take a minute to think on these promises. In fact, I've created a free page with these verses on them to print out and put wherever you need to be encouraged.

In our crazy world of life, I hope you are filling your spiritual cravings up with God's everlasting ahaba! (Maybe add in some chocolate too!😉)​

Let me know how I can be praying for you sweet friend!

In His love,

~ Stephanie



What's love got to do with it? EVERYTHING!


Agape - My Favorite Kind of Love